15-part long performed series; our subject was written by Lucie Konečná and Magdaléna Turnovská. Directed by Jan Pecha and Ján Sebechlebský. Produced by Eallin TV for the Czech Television in 2012.
About the series
The fifteen episodes draw the spectators in the life of five main characters – one dad and four moms or moms-to-be. They all share one sandpit, where they meet, as well as the everyday fight with parental duties.
We can have our own life. A child changes everything. You, too.
“I believe we have created a series, where children are not only lovely coulisses, but also a source of entertainment, however – as well as in real life – they are the central point of the adult´s world,” says Lucie Konečná, the scenarist. “Each heroine has her own dramatic story inspired by life as such, so there is a great probability that spectators identify with it,” Pavel Anděl, the series producer and the author says.

Pandurango – journey to the god of music
8 parts of a document cycle about the deepest and the most distant springs of music. Produced for the Czech Television in 2005.
Directed by: David Sís, Jakub Sommer, Šimon Koudela
Parts: India, China, Australia, Morocco, Brazil, Bolivia, Senegal, Pandurango concert in the Czech Republic
About the series
The Pandurango expedition aims at showing to not only the Czech spectator the current music scene in the most distant places of the Globe – from the Central-European´s point of view. The author is the musician Michal Dvořák, who as the document´s guide enters in live cooperation with local musicians and is not afraid of put in his hands or mouth the most exotic musical instruments from China, Australia and other countries and continents visited by the film crew.

Ano, trenére! (Yes, Coach!)
8 parts of a TV-reality cycle for Prima TV. Based on our theme produced in 2015.
About the series
Football reality show, in which the charismatic football coach František Straka visits several Czech football clubs in the lowest contents and tries to prove that even football teams in the lowest contents can improve, reach success with thorough training and bribes-free. The famous motivator Straka gets to know not only the football players, but also their families and local peculiar figures. Simply the village life as it is.
“I sometimes play in a similar ancient competition. Ano, trenére! will be an example of how football works in villages and small towns,” František Straka reveals.
Each part of the show brings a story of one actual club, several families and one village.
Musicblok (Poprask) (Musicblock (Fuss))
A weekly produced for the Czech Television since 2003 until 2006 (Poprask) and the until 2012 (Musicblok)
About the series
Each week Musicblok (originally Poprask) guided the spectators safely through the steep and flat, thorny and stony or thistle-grown paths of the Czech and foreign popular music. A whole number of renowned music publicists participated in the broadcast. The moderators were e.g. Jaro Cossiga and Nasty. Directed by: Vojtěch Nouzák, Daniela Gébová, Václav Kučera, Tereza Chumová, Petr Staněk, Markéta Nešlehová, Šimon Koudela.

A weekly programme produced for the Czech Television from 2007 until now.
An amusing magazine intended for all gays, lesbians, transgender people, but also for all who are ready to think openly and talk about sexuality, nonconformist lifestyle and its links - basicly QUEER.
About the series
It maps all significant LGBT events in the Czech Republic, explains and identifies the fundamental terms and issues as regards the gender, sexuality and relations. It was one of the most important gay projects in the Czech Republic and in 2009 among 5 top projects of the Czech Television. It contained specials from the world: about the state-controlled discrimination in Russia, the tolerant attitudes in Germany, about queer fashion in France, gay tourist paradise in Spain, machismo and homophobia in Serbia, about respect and tolerance in Iceland, Catholicism and rejection in Poland, about nationalists and Jorg Haider in Austria, about invisible gays in Morocco, multicultural Berlin, the silent world of sexual minorities in Honk Kong, about the open gate in Portugal, about the hippie tradition and current times in San Francisco or the sexual paradise in Brazil.
Babička na inzerát (Adverted grandma)
A teaser to the prepared series which has won in the great competition project called THE CLASH OF SERIES.
The main character was played by Alena Vránová; directed by Zuzana Zemanová.
About the series
In 2011 Czech Television introduced a great entertaining gala-evening cycle, live broadcasts, in which the creators of individual pilot parts were presented and competed for the spectators´ favor. The winning pilot series was to be filmed by the Czech Television as a performed series. It is to the great disappointment of all creators and spectators that so far it has not happened.
A Star Named Sonja
Written and directed: Peter Serge Butko
Camera: Marco Simic, Vojtěch Hönig
Production: Jiří Macek
Edit: Jan Truhlář
Runtime: 55 minut
Produces: Eallin – Martin Hovorka
Co-Producers: Sergeart, Next Picture
About documentary
The film tells a story about a man that was born in 1963 in a small Czech village in the time of communism. He finished school and went to war. After the war he got children. At that point he already identified himself as gay and he decided to leave his wife and children and move to Prague where he worked as a cook. He started to discover night life of Prague’s gay community that lived mostly hidden from the majority. He chose a name Sonja Butterfly and he plunged into realization of his dreams and desires. He became a member of a transvestite group in which for a couple of years he became a real star. The group got a name Butterflies and in the middle 90’s it became an appearance of Prague’s club scene. Their appearance in a club called Střelce was sold out, the tickets were purchased weeks in advance, the public was full of popular artists… Appearance of the group Butterflies belonged to the night and Sonja experiences a period of glory. But only as a man disguised as a woman in the lights of cabaret.
Luboš, as he was called, was an extremely shy man, by day he did not communicate with almost anyone, he tried not to attract any attention to him. He did not believe in himself and left everything to Sonja. Sonja was recognized from all sides, mainly due to her stage presence. She portrayed “strong” singers (T. Turner, G. Gaynor, S. Bassey, H. Hegerová). She helped beginners transvestites in hard times of searching for their identity. She artistically managed to work with her big emotions and irony as well, and even the ones that didn’t like her became her fans. The popularity grew so much that the group Butterflies opened at the turn of millennium their own great cabaret Atmosphere, where they put to use their deserved fame. The fame had its dark side as well, so after a long term conflicts the group broke apart. The members went on working solo which couldn’t compare to their previous fame and the level of their solo productions dropped sharply. Sonja refused this and she began to nurture prostitution as a woman with penis that is available in your house and on your phone. She wanted to continue to be loved so she provided her clients a mans hug in a woman’s packing. After a year she started to miss performing so she began working on it. She reopened cabaret Atmosphere and because of her pervious success she failed to follow it up and she came about everything. For some time, she worked as a prostitute, she became fully addicted to drugs and began to lose herself. When Sonja was lost, Luboš lost everything and became a homeless person. How he lives in the Prague House of Light which helps abandoned HIV positive people.
The movie has a form of an interview with personal archives and a record of one-time return of Butterflies which was held specially for the film. The interviews were conducted in years 1999 – 2014, in the period of her prostitution, the attempt to reopen cabaret Atmosphere and after its wrecking. Each episode of her life Sonja describes in the costumes of her favorite singers. The last conversation is always led with Luboš – Sonja would not be able to live a life of a homeless person. Sonja does not exist anymore and Luboš had to face it all.
The official PREMIERE of the movie was held 23rd of October 2014 within SLOVAK QUEER FILM FESTIVAL in BRATISLAVA. Pre-premiere was held 30th November 2013 within project ART FOR LIVE in theatre La Fabrika in Prague.